Experiments on the efficacy and toxicity of locoregional chemotherapy of liver tumors with 5-fluoro-2?-deoxyuridine (FUDR) and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in an animal model

For the investigation of locoregional chemotherapy of liver neoplasms we developed a standardized animal model in the rat. Continuous infusion therapy or repeated bolus injections of FUDR or 5-FU were given via the hepatic artery, the portal vein or the vena cava in tumor-bearing animals. The efficacy of the treatment was determined by measuring the tumor volume 3 weeks after tumor cell implantation. For the evaluation of the local and systemic toxicity serum GOT, GPT, and total bilirubin were determined. DNA single strand breaks were assessed in isolated liver and bone marrow cells. Inhibition of colony formation of bone marrow stem cells was determined by CFU-C and CFU-S bioassay. A significant reduction of tumor growth was observed only after continuous infusion of FUDR via the hepatic artery. Systemic toxicity was lowest in this group for both compounds while the local liver toxicity was only slightly elevated.