Effects of Aminergic Drugs and Glutamic Acid on Audiogenic Seizures Induced by Early Exposure to Ethanol

Adult C57BL/10Bg mice, normally resistant to audiogenic seizures, became susceptible when the mothers drank 10 per cent ethanol in water during pregnancy and for 14 days postpartem. Reserpine enhanced the incidence of seizures, and the effect was reversed by 5-hydroxytryptophan but not by dihydroxyphenylalanine. p-Chlorophenylalanine also enhanced the incidence of seizures, whereas alpha-methyl equals p equals tyrosine did not effect. Monsodium glutamate almost completely prevented seizures. These results are consistent with the interpretation that the serotonergic systems may be among those involved in the seizure mechanism induced by fetal and early exposure to ethanol.