Thyroidal Iodoproteins in Patients with Goitrous Hypothyroidism

The thyroids from 3 individuals with congenital goiters have been studied. Abnormal soluble iodoproteins and particulate iodoproteins have been identified and their specific activities have been measured. The specific activity of the most soluble iodoproteins ranged from 16 to 350% greater than that of thyroglobulin. The specific activity of the particulate iodoproteins varied from twice as great to less than one half as great as thyroglobulin. Immunological studies showed that, in the protein fraction soluble between 35 and 50% saturated ammonium sulfate, only a small portion behaved as thyroglobulin. A new soluble iodoprotein which is precipitated with ammonium sulfate at or below 35% saturated ammonium sulfate was found.