Respiratory Effects of Sevoflurane

The respiratory effects of sevoflurane were studied in seven patients and compared with values obtained in another seven patients anesthetized with halothane. Resting ventilation, resting Paco2, and ventilatory response to CO2 were measured awake and at 1.1 and 1.4 MAC levels of both anesthetic agents. We found that with sevoflurane, tidal volume and the slopes of the CO2 response curves decreased and Paco2 increased with increasing depth of anesthesia, as with other inhaled anesthetics. A compensatory increase in respiratory frequency was not enough to prevent a decrease in minute volume with increasing depth of anesthesia. At 1.1 MAC, sevoflurane produced almost the same degree of respiratory depression as halothane. At 1.4 MAC, sevoflurane produced more profound respiratory depression than halothane.