Secondary electron energy spectra of single-crystal Fe(110) at various emission angles

Secondary electron energy spectra from Fe(110) surfaces were measured at various emission angles with a fixed angle of incidence to study the escape process. All spectra which are normalized to constant peak value agree with each other at Ep=400 and 1055 eV. It may be concluded from these results that the escape process of secondaries in a single crystal of iron is approximately the same as that in a polycrystalline material. Hence it is possible, in the first approximation, to calculate with the free-electron model the yield and the extent of diffusion of secondaries which determines the quality and resolution of a scanning electron microscope. No difference was found in the backscattered energy spectra between the anomalous transmission and absorption condition for the primary beam of 10 keV. These energy spectra consists mainly of large characteristic loss peaks and energy spectra of rather gradual slope.