No-Guard-Interval Coherent Optical OFDM for 100-Gb/s Long-Haul WDM Transmission

This paper describes coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) techniques for the long-haul transmission of 100-Gb/s-class channels. First, we discuss the configurations of the transmitter and receiver that implement the optical multiplexing/demultiplexing techniques for high-speed CO-OFDM transmission. Next, we review the no-guard-interval (No-GI) CO-OFDM transmission scheme which utilizes optical multiplexing for OFDM signal generation and the intradyne receiver configuration with digital signal processing (DSP). We examine the transmission characteristics of the proposed scheme, and show that No-GI CO-OFDM offers compact signal spectra and superior performance with regard to tolerance against optical amplifier noise and polarization-mode dispersion (PMD). We then introduce long-haul high-capacity transmission experiments employing No-GI CO-OFDM; 13.4 Tb/s (134 times 111 Gb/s) transmission is successfully demonstrated over 3600 km of ITU-T G.652 single-mode fiber without using optical dispersion compensation.