Phenological development and biomass allocation inSilene vulgaris(Moench) Garcke

Summary: Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke, grown from seed or from crown buds, exhibited three dis tinct growth phases; establishment, reproduc tive and post‐reproductive. The establishment phase was characterized by rapid accumulation of shoot biomass, high relative growth rates (RGRs) and leaf area ratios (LARs). The sexual reproductive phase was characterized by a rapid increase in floral and seed biomass, minimal root development, and declining RGRs and LARs. In the post‐reproductive phase, root and crown biomass increased rapidly concomitant with the development of regenerative buds; low RGR and LAR values occurred during this phase. Although similar growth phases were identified in both the first (grown from seed) and second years (grown from crown buds) of growth, LARs and RGRs were lower in the second than in the first year. In the second year of growth, plants exhibited a continual increase in below‐ground biomass throughout growth, including the flowering period, a feature which was absent in the first year of growth.