Ontogeny of glycerol phosphate dehydrogenasepositive oligodendrocytes in rat brain. Impaired differentiation of oligodendrocytes in the myelin deficient mutant rat

The ontogeny of oligodendrocytes in the myelin deficient (md) rat mutant and in control rats was explored immunohistochemically using an antiserum against the oligodendrocyte specific enzyme, glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH), and the avidin-biotin complex technique. In control rats, GPDH was demonstrated to be expressed relatively early in oligodendrocyte differentiation, prior to either myelin basic protein or proteolipid protein expression. With development, oligodendrocytes containing GPDH increased in number, apparent staining intensity, cell soma area and process elaboration. Fewer GPDH+oligodendrocytes were observed in the brain of mutant rats than in unaffected littermates at all developmental ages, and major developmental increases in oligodendrocyte density were delayed. The density of GPDH+oligodendrocytes was reduced by about 40% in both the corpus callosum and in the cingulate cortex of P22-25 and mutants compared with control rats. The oligodendrocyte cell soma area was not influenced by the md condition, and increased 2-fold with development in rats of both genotypes. The area of coronal sections occupied by the corpus callosum increased about 2.5-fold with development, and was 30% smaller in mutant rats late in their lifespan than in unaffected littermates. The reductions in oligodendrocyte density reported here are of insufficient magnitude to fully account for biochemically measured reductions in oligodendrocyte gene expression accompanying the md trait, indicating that gene expression per oligodendrocyte is also impaired. Cell counts in control rats also revealed that oligodendrocytes are overproduced during development. Cell density and the total number of corpus callosum GPDH+oligodendrocytes per section were maximal at P22-25 and then decreased to adult values. These results suggest that glial cells, like neurons, may be generated in excessive numbers, and some subsequently die, as a normal concomitant of development.