Detailed design and evaluation of redundant multithreading alternatives

Exponential growth in the number of on-chip transistors, coupled with reductions in voltage levels, makes each generation of microprocessors increasingly vulnerable to transient faults. In a multithreaded environment, we can detect these faults by running two copies of the same program as separate threads, feeding them identical inputs, and comparing their outputs, a technique we call Redundant Multithreading (RMT).This paper studies RMT techniques in the context of both single- and dual-processor simultaneous multithreaded (SMT) single-chip devices. Using a detailed, commercial-grade, SMT processor design we uncover subtle RMT implementation complexities, and find that RMT can be a more significant burden for single-processor devices than prior studies indicate. However, a novel application of RMT techniques in a dual-processor device, which we term chip-level redundant threading (CRT), shows higher performance than lockstepping the two cores, especially on multithreaded workloads.

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