InP Grown on Si Substrates with GaP Buffer Layers by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition

InP epilayers are grown on Si substrates with buffer layers of InAs, GaAs, or GaP. The buffer layers are grown on Si below their crystallizing temperatures, and then InP epilayers are grown on top of them using a conventional two-step growth method. GaP is the best of the three buffer layer materials and the optimum thickness is about 17 nm. The InP epilayers grown on Si with GaP buffer layers have higher crystalline quality than either those grown directly on Si or those grown with GaAs intermediate layers. The full width at half maximum of the (400) reflection obtained from annealed 7.8-µm-thick InP epilayer is as small as 240 arcseconds and the etch pit density is 3.0×107 cm-2