A Routine Clinical Method for the Estimation of low Polar Oestrogens in Human Urine

A simple, rapid and sufficiently specific method for the estimation of low polar oestrogens in human non‐pregnancy urine is described. It involves hot acid hydrolysis, ether extraction, a simple, highly effective alkaline washing, isolation of the phenolic fraction, saponification, methylation and treatment with hydrogen peroxide. The methylated low polar oestrogen fraction is further purified by a washing procedure and finally subjected to adsorption chromatography on aluminium oxide. Quantitation is made by Kober colorimetry. During a five day working week one technician can maintain a daily output of more than ten analyses. The method is well suited for general clinical routine use. By omission of the adsorption chromatography the method is converted into a rapid procedure in which the analytical answer can be given in less than one working day. This variant can be used when rapid answers are necessary and when a light “overestimation” is not important, e.g. monitoring gonadotrophin stimulation therapy.