Interaction of reactive ions with Pt(100). I. Neutralization and surface trapping

Scattering of (10–400 eV) O+, O+2 , C+, CO+, and CO+2 ions from a Pt(100) surface has been studied. Below 100 eV, the peak position of the angular distribution for survival ions was shifted parallel to the surface, and the lobe width was very narrow in comparison with noble-gas ions. This suggests that surface trapping due to chemical interaction takes place at very low energies. The importance of collisional neutralization at high energies is demonstrated by the result that the yields of reactive ions decrease steeply with increasing incident energy. The scattering ion yields of O+ and O+2 ions, especially, were very low, being less than 1/100 and 1/10 of those of nitrogen ions, respectively. These results show that a chemical interaction effect is significant for the scattering of oxygen ions.