Effects of doping and interchain interactions on the metal-insulator transition intrans-polyacetylene

Using a tight-binding Hamiltonian the metal-insulator phase diagram for trans-polyacetylene was calculated as a function of doping concentration and interchain interaction strength. The phase boundary for the periodic system coincides with the gap closing, which occurs for certain combinations of critical values for the doping concentration and the interchain interaction strength. The values found are in good agreement with the experimentally observed increase in the Pauli susceptibility. To simulate disorder in the polymer, the effect of finite chain lengths was studied. This type of disorder pushes the metal/insulator phase boundary towards the metallic side of the phase diagram. An increase in the doping concentration and/or interchain interaction is shown to reduce the localizing effects of disorder effectively. For realistic values of the interchain interaction strength the number of chain breaks needed to localize the states at the Fermi energy is quite small, of the order of a few percent. The localization length is found to be substantially longer than the conjugation length of the polymer.