Solar neutrinos and grand unification

We consider the grand unification (GU) scenario for neutrino masses which is based on the seesaw mechanism with the mass of the heaviest right handed (RH) neutrino at the GU-scale: M3ΛGU, and on the quark-lepton symmetry for fermions from the third generation. The scenario predicts for the light neutrinos m3(24)×103eV and m2(0.33)×105eV (in the case of a linear mass hierarchy of the RH neutrinos or/and in the presence of the Planck scale suppressed non-renormalizable operators). It also predicts large νeνμ mixing: sin22θeμ0.2. In this scenario the solar neutrinos (ν) undergo both the νeντ resonance conversion in the Sun and substantial νeνμ vacuum oscillations on the way from the Sun to the Earth. The interplay of both effects enlarges the range of neutrino parameters which solves the ν-problem. In particular, the νeντ mixing angle can be as small as the corresponding quark mixing: sin22θeτ>~(25)×104. The scenario predicts a peculiar (oscillatory) distortion of the boron neutrino energy spectrum and seasonal variations of signals. Manifestations of these effects in the Super-Kamiokande and SNO experiments are studied.