Track-Effect Account of Scintillation Efficiency for Random and Channeled Heavy Ions of Intermediate Velocities

The high-velocity formulation of the track-effect theory of scintillation efficiency is generalized for applicability at intermediate velocities (velocities spanning the peak in dEdx) and applied to room-temperature data for O16 in NaI(Tl) both for random and channel trajectories. A core-correction term is incorporated into the representation of dEdx. Electron velocities are taken into account in the calculation of track width Rmax(v). The contribution to dLdE from the region of high energy-deposit density is included. Quantitative agreement within experimental error is achieved for the O16 random-response data over the range 0.9v3.6, where v is in units of 109 cm/sec, including the region of intermediate velocities characterized by a reversal of curvature and leveling off of dLdE. The channel response is treated only so far as to indicate applicability of the theory. Values for the ratio [dLdE(channel)][dLdE(random)+] are accounted for both in approximate magnitude and qualitative dependence on particle velocity.