Results of clinical investigations in chemotherapeutic treatment of carcinoma, and changes of the histological aspects of carcinoma tissue under treatment at different stages have been reviewed. Citronellal per os and citral in the form of emulsion as intramuscular injection were used. In some cases anti-cancer remedies such as Nitromin, Merphyrin and others were combined. Both citronellal and citral are aldehydes of turpentine series with C10. Of the 121 cases observed from Oct. 1944 to March 1959, 6 ([image] 5%) were permanently cured, having been followed from 10 to 15 years. Materials for histological investigation were seven cases of surgically removed stomach cancer and 4 autopsy cases of patients who died suddenly because of intercurrent episodes during favorable course of treatment. It was revealed that under the action of remedies, first the degeneration of tumor cells followed by infiltration of plasma cells and other mesenchymal cells take place; then abundant proliferation of connective tissue throughout the carcinoma tissue occur. In this way carcinoma cells and carcinoma tissue get encapsulated, divided by connective tissue, and completely annihilated. In rather advanced cases healing of carcinoma under cicatrization would be expected. In early cases of carcinoma, healing without leaving remarkable cicatrice is possible, as was verified in the 1 case of stomach carcinoma removed after 7 months'' treatment. The possibility of the acceleration of the healing process through antigen-autoantibody reaction between carcinoma cells and antibody produced in the host during the course of chemotherapy, is surmised. In these cases there is severe stress, so it is favorable only when the patient can overcome the reaction.