Lx-ray transition probabilities in elements of medium atomic numbers

The Lγ1Lβ1, LηLβ1, L1Lα, and Lβ2,15Lα radiative transition probabilities have been measured for 16 elements ranging in atomic numbers from Mo42 to Sm62. This was performed using an evacuated single-crystal spectrometer in conjunction with a flow proportional counter. The samples studied were pure metals in an amorphous state except for Ba56, Pr59, and Nd60, where the oxides of these elements were used. CsCl and NaI samples were used to study the spectrum of Cs55 and I53, respectively. Ionization of the samples was produced by radiation from commercial W74 and Cr24 x-ray tubes. The corrected measured ratios are compared with the results of the theoretical calculations based on relativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater potential.