Suppression of spin fluctuations in TiBe2by high magnetic fields

Measurement of the low-temperature specific heat of a well-characterized 15.6-mg sample of TiBe2 was performed in magnetic fields of 0, 6.5, 11.4, 14.2, and 17.0 T. The results indicate a striking depression of the spin-fluctuation-caused upturn with increasing field in the lower-temperature specific heat and very little change at higher temperatures where the spin fluctuations are less predominant. A field for full suppression of the spin fluctuations is extrapolated to be above about 25 T. The field at which the onset of spin-fluctuation depression occurs is 5.2±0.3 T, suggesting that the previously observed anomalies in the susceptibility and differential susceptibility of TiBe2 at 5.5 T are connected to the onset of the depression of spin fluctuations. Furthermore, this onset of spin-fluctuation depression at 5.2±0.3 T coupled with the extrapolation to full suppression above 25 T serves to unify the interpretations of previous data on TiBe2 by Wohlfarth, by Acker et al., and by van Deursen et al. which were previously thought to be in contradiction.