The Effects of Irradiation on the Absorption and Distribution of Dioleylpalmitin-C 14 in the Rat

Increased stomach retention was observed in irradiated animals, varying with the roentgen dose level and the time of feeding after exposure. Increased amounts of unabsorbed material in the intestinal lumen and the decreased incorporation of C14 into the intestinal wall lipids are taken as an indication of a slower absorption rate in irradiated animals but not of an abnormal process. The decreased phospholipid content of the intestinal wall noted in X-irradiated animals as compared to the controls appears indicative of the sensitivity of this organ to radiation injury and cell destruction. In the liver increased amounts and an Increased rate of incorporation of C14-palmitic acid into the phospholipids may be interpreted as evidence for increased synthesis of these compounds in irradiated animals. The relationship of incorporation of the labeled material to synthesis is discussed.