Electron swarm development in SF6. II. Monte Carlo simulation

For pt.I see ibid., vol.21, p.922 (1988). Electron swarm parameters for the steady-state Townsend, pulsed Townsend and time-of-flight experiments are calculated for SF6 gas by Monte Carlo simulation over the E/N range from 141 to 707 Td. The calculation is carried out using the same cross sections determined by a Boltzmann equation method in pt.I. The present results are in excellent agreement with those deduced by the Boltzmann equation analysis for steady-state and pulsed Townsend experiments. The swarm parameters such as the centre-of-mass drift velocity Wr, the mean-arrival-time drift velocity Wm, the longitudinal DL and transverse DT diffusion coefficients for the time of flight, which were not calculated in the previous paper, are discussed in detail.