At least seven species of arthropods were found in or associated with leaf galls of the grape phylloxera, Phylloxera vitifoliae (Fitch), on cultivated and wild grapes in Ontario, Leucopis simplex Loew and Lestodiplosis grassator (Fyles) were the most common species. Larvae of both preyed upon eggs of the phylloxera; whether they attacked other stages was not determined, nor was their effect on gall populations. L. grassator occurred almost exclusively on wild grapes; L. simplex was found in galls on both cultivated and wild grapes, associated with all generations of the leaf form of phylloxera. L. simplex was parasitized by Melanips sp. and Lygocerus sp. Another predator, Scymnus cervicalis Muls., occurred rarely. Thrips, mites, and neuropterous larvae were also found occasionally, but predation by these species was not demonstrated.