A functional centromere located on a small DNA restriction fragment from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was identified as CEN14 by integrating centromere-adjacent DNA plus the URA3 gene by homologous recombination into the yeast genome and then by localizing the URA3 gene to chromosome XIV by standard tetrad analysis. DNA sequence analysis revealed that CEN14 possesses sequences (elements I, II, and III) that are characteristic of other yeast centromeres. Mitotic and meiotic analyses indicated that the CEN14 function resides on a 259-base-pair (bp) RsaI-EcoRV restriction fragment, containing sequences that extend only 27 bp to the right of the element I to III region. In conjunction with previous findings on CEN3 and CEN11, these results indicate that the specific DNA sequences required in cis for yeast centromere function are contained within a region about 150 bp in length.