Acetaldehyde Production by Single-Strain Lactic Streptococci

The production of acetaldehyde by single-strain cultures of Streptococcus lactis, S. cremoris and S. diacetilactis parallels the increase in microbial population; S. lactis and S. cremoris remove some of the acetaldehyde formed on continued incubation at 21 C; S. diacetilactis did not remove any of the acetaldehyde produced. The ratio of diacetyl to acetyl to acetaldehyde in both strains of S. diacetilactis studied was unfavorable for a good culture flavor at all times up to 22-24 hr. incubation. All of the cultures studied produced a distinct green flavor when grown in a milk medium. All strains of the microorganisms studied produce ethanol.