Excitonic Zeeman effect in the zinc-blende II-VI diluted magnetic semiconductors Cd1xYxTe (Y=Mn, Co, and Fe)

The spd exchange constants (N0α and N0β) of the zinc-blende diluted magnetic semiconductors Cd1xMnxTe, Cd1xCoxTe, and Cd1xFexTe are deduced from the huge excitonic Zeeman effect observed in wavelength-modulated reflectivity spectra, supplemented with magnetization measurements with a superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer. The Zeeman spectra recorded in magnetic fields (H) up to 60 kG, and temperatures (T) down to 1.8 K clearly reveal the Van Vleck paramagnetism of Cd1xFexTe; in contrast, Cd1xMnxTe and Cd1xCoxTe display a Brillouin-function-like (H/T) dependence of their excitonic Zeeman components associated with spin 5/2 and 3/2 ground states of Mn2+ and Co2+, respectively. The antiferromagnetic d-d interaction between the magnetic ions, displayed in the Zeeman data, is mainly limited to nearest-neighbor Mn2+ ions, whereas it is significantly stronger for Co2+ than for Mn2+ and extends to more distant neighbors.