Compound States of the SystemNi58+p

A Ni58 target was bombarded by protons from 2 to 5 Mev in energy. Approximately 70 resonances were observed in the yield of the γ radiation due to inelastic scattering from the state at 1.45 Mev. Angular distributions were obtained for this radiation at 37 resonances. Nineteen of the distributions are consistent with a 52+ assignment and seventeen fit a 32 assignment, while one distribution was isotropic. All the resonances observed had a width no greater than the target thickness of 4 kev. Absolute yields for the reaction have been determined. The level spacing for states formed by d-wave protons was found to be approximately 30 kev in the region studied. An estimate of the value of γ2AvD¯ for these resonances gives 1.4×1014 cm. In order to determine the energies of excitation in Cu59, to which these resonances would correspond, the end point of the Cu59 beta spectrum was measured, and found to be 3.75±0.1 Mev. This puts the range of excitation for the resonances observed between 6.3 and 7.9 Mev.