The interaction is considered between N stationary two-level atoms and a radiation field described by a single cavity mode. The state vector for the complete system of atoms plus radiation is expressed as a linear superposition of states constructed from a product of photon states in the n representation and products of Pauli spin eigenstates describing all combinations of atoms in the lower and upper energy levels. Equations for the corresponding probability amplitudes are derived by substituting this superposition into the Schrödinger equation. The resulting equations are combined into bilinear form and phenomenological damping contributions are added. After the neglect of certain of the bilinear quantities, a master equation is derived which governs the probability Pmn of having m atoms in the lower level and n photons in the mode. This master equation takes account of multiple single-quantum absorption and emission processes but not of simultaneous multiple processes involving two or more atoms at a time. The equation which governs the expected number of photons n derived from the master equation bears a close resemblance to a rate equation. The effect of radiation loss from the cavity is incorporated into the master equation. Numerical calculations for a Q-spoiled laser show that the statistics of the number of photons in the mode bear a qualitative resemblance to Poisson statistics.