Dardas , T. J. (Michigan State University, East Lansing), and V. H. Mallmann . Electrophoretic and immunoelectrophoretic studies of sera from normal, tuberculous, and noninfected tuberculin-sensitive guinea pigs. J. Bacteriol. 92: 76–81. 1966.—Normal guinea pig serum was separated into seven fractions by electrophoresis on cellulose acetate membranes. Thirty antigens were found by immunoelectrophoresis: albumin, 6 α 1 globulins, 11 α 2 globulins, 6 β 1 globulins, 5 β 2 globulins, and γ globulin. Hyper-α 2 -globulinemia was detected in sera from guinea pigs 14 days after inoculation with viable virulent Mycobacterium bovis . An additional α 2 globulin, not demonstrable prior to infection, was detected concomitantly with the hyper-α 2 -globulinemia by immunoelectrophoresis. The additional α 2 globulin was tentatively named α 2 -T. It persisted until the death of the guinea pigs. Neither hyper-α-globulinemia nor the α 2 -T antigen was detected by cellulose acetate electrophoresis and immunoelectrophoresis of sera from guinea pigs sensitized with heat-killed M. bovis . Both changes were due to the disease, not to delayed sensitivity alone.