Growth of normal human T lymphocytes induced by monoclonal antibody to the T cell antigen receptor

A monoclonal antibody (mAb) called 30-3D6 has been raised against the T cell antigen receptor analogue on a human T cell leukemia cell line HPB-ALL. This mAb comodulates the T3 molecule on HPB-ALL and precipitates the heterodimeric structure previously described as a T cell idiotypic receptor analogue on this cell line. 30-3D6 reacts with a variable percentage of normal T cells (up to 6%) depending on the donor and this number is stable on repeated sampling and is not affected by the temperature of the reaction. When normal T cells from a high frequency donor are stimulated with 30-3D6 and interleukin 2 in vitro the idiotype-positive (Id+) population can be expanded. Large numbers of > 90% Id+ T cells can be generated. Id cells are present in both the helper and cytotoxic suppressor subsets.