Observations on Autologous, Previously Frozen, Deglycerolized, Agglomerated, Resuspended Red Cells

Forty‐four units of human erythrocytes preserved with glycerol, the slow‐freeze technic, and agglomeration were evaluated by autotransfusions of chromium‐labeled 10 cc aliquots. The shipment of frozen glycerolized red cells in dry ice and of thawed, deglycerolized, resuspended red cells in wet ice did not adversely affect the in vivo or in vitro measurements. Excessive in vitro loss of cellular hemoglobin and unacceptable posttransfusion survival were observed when preserved erythrocytes were stored at + 4 C for longer than 24 hours, at —20 C for longer than three days, and at — 30 C for longer than seven days between periods of storage at — 80 C. A storage period at —20 C alone for 50 days resulted in poor preservation.Adenine supplementation of the glycerolized red cells (0.6 mM per liter) prior to freezing did not change significantly the in vivo or in vitro characteristics of red cells stored at the warmer temperatures.Highly significant correlations were noted between the 24‐hour posttransfusion survival and MCV, MCHC, osmotic fragility, and density distribution of the preserved red cells.