Texture of Cooked Mantle of Squid lllexargentinus as Influenced by Specimen Characteristics and Treatments

Boiling frozen stored squid in 2% NaCl solution caused 30% weight loss after 5 min but changes in protein solubility and softening of the meat continued for at least 45 min. The influence of variability within the species on the texture of the cooked product was more significant than that of frozen storage. In discolored squid significant proteolysis was shown by electrophoresis. Such meat was less tough than that from nondiscolored specimens. Acetic acid cure induced proteolysis without improving texture, while polyphosphates softened the product without detectable proteolysis. The decisive effect on texture was displayed by pH and polyphosphates. Heating at 80° and 90°C left an uncooked sensory note.