Viral transcripts (designated Ad-RNA) that accumulated in the cytoplasm of adenovirus type 5-transformed human embryonic kidney cells (cell line 293-31) were used as models for cellular RNA to examine how herpes simplex virus modifies cellular RNA metabolism. Infection of 293-31 cells with herpes simplex virus type 1 strain 17 led to extensive inhibition of Ad-RNA accumulation by 4 h postinfection. The major part of this inhibition was due to an immediate early or .alpha. gene function which reduced the rate of transcription of AD-RNA within the nuclei of the infected cells. Host poly(A)-containing RNA accumulation and rRNA accumulation were affected, but to a lesser extent and at a slower rate than AD-RNA accumulation. A general scheme for how herpes simplex virus type 1 alters the metabolism of cellular RNA, the possible mechanisms for these changes and how they correlate with the regulation of herpes simplex virus gene expression are discussed.