The optically detected magnetic resonance technique is applied to determine the nature of broad, featureless emission bands observed in the near-infrared region in bulk GaP crystals grown by the liquid encapsulated Czochralski method. A broad emission band with maximum at ≊8000 Å (≊1.55 eV) was consistently observed in undoped and donor-doped (S, Te, Se, Ge) crystals, and is shown to be due to donor-acceptor pair (DAP) recombination. The analysis of the optically detected magnetic resonance experiments indicates that shallow donors and deep acceptors are active in the 8000-Å recombination. The identity of the ≊0.7-eV deep acceptor center active in this DAP transition could not be determined from the experimental results, but a single acceptor complex consisting of a Ga vacancy and two adjacent donors is proposed as a tentative model.