The dehydrogenation ability of the cerebrum was studied in rats (120-200 g.) adrenalectomized for 4-8 days during which time food was withheld. The results were compared with sham operated controls. The avg. time taken for the brain suspension of the adrenalectomized rats to completely decolorize methylene blue was 9.5 min. which simulated control figures. However, if glucose was not present in the reaction mixtures, the respective times were 34.9 and 20.2 min. The mean glycogen concn. in the brains of control rats which were fed, of fasting adrenalectomized rats and of fasting control rats were, respectively, 103, 63, and 54 mg. %. The cause for the slower decolorization of methylene blue by the brains of adrenalectomized rats was not a decreased glucose or glycogen content of the brain nor a decreased function of the glucose dehydro-genating system. It is suggested that a substrate is present in the normal brain, which the animal rapidly dehydrogen-ates, and which is lacking in the brain of the adrenalectomized animal.