Two hundred twenty-eight crossbred steers (304 kg) were used in a 125-d comparative slaughter trial to evaluate the influence of level and source of supplemental fats on their feeding value for feedlot cattle. Dietary treatments consisted of a steam-rolled, barley-based finishing diet containing 1) no supplemental fat; 2) 4% yellow grease (YG); 3) 4% blended animal-vegetable fat (BVF); 4) 8% YG; 5) 8% BVF or 6) 6% BVF and 2% crude soybean lecithin. Increasing level of supplemental fat in the diet resulted in linear improvements (P < .01) in weight gain, feed conversion and NE value of the diet. Estimated NE values of YG and BVF were similar and did not appear to be influenced by level of supplementation, averaging 5.78 and 4.61 Mcal/kg for maintenance and gain, respectively. Fat supplementation resulted in linear increases in empty body fat (P < .01), kidney, pelvic and heart fat (P < .01) and marbling score (P < .05). Partially replacing BVF with lecithin did not influence (P > .10) steer performance, carcass merit or estimated NE value of the diet. The comparative feeding value (in terms of both diet acceptability and NE value) of the supplemental fats tested was similar and was apparently not influenced by level of supplementation up to 8% of diet DM.