Disturbances of selected plasma proteins in hyperdynamic septic shock

This study was performed on patients (n=18) suffering from strictly defined hyperdynamic septic shock. Plasma factors (C-reactive protein, acid α1-glycoprotien, fibrinogen, fibrinopeptide A, fibrinogen-fibrin split products, factor XIII, antithrobin III, complement factors C3 and C4, inter-α-trypsin-inhibitor and α2-macroglobulin) measured during hyperdynamic septic shock were highly abnormal. The activation and consumption of clotting, fibrinolytic and complement factors due to system-specific proteinases (such as thrombokinase or plasminogen activators) seemed to be intensified by the nonspecific proteolytic activity of granulocytic proteinases probably released by the action of endotoxins. Possible therapeutic measures to maintain the endogeneous defence mechanism against enhanced proteolysis during septic shock are discussed.