Ion implantation of Zn, Se and Cd in BP crystals

Ion implantation of 70 keV Zn, Se and Cd has been done in n-type BP as a function of dose and implantation temperature, and defects and lattice locations have been measured by means of channeling techniques. Crystals used were grown on Si substrates by vapor phase epitaxy. It was observed that epitaxial layers thicker than 6μm have no defects due to a lattice mismatch between Si and BP. High temperature implantation above 500°C gave high substitutional fraction of ∼ 70% and low residual defects. Reordering of an amorphous layer formed by implantation below 400°C was not observed even after annealing at 900°C. The present results indicate that the effect of implantation temperature is the same with other III-V compounds such as GaAs and Gap.