After addition to defibrinated human blood, sulfanilamide, sulfathiazole, sulfapyridine and sulfadiazene are distributed instantaneously, and independent of temp. and atmosphere. Transfer of these compounds occurs from cells to serum as well as from serum to cells. Equal concs. are attained in erythro-cytes and in leukocytes. The %s of these drugs in serum ultrafiltrates vary; they correspond to the concs. they attain in cells and seem to determine their rate of distribution in whole blood. Of the 4 compounds studied, only sulfanilamide was more concentrated in cells than in serum; sulfathiazole ranched the highest relative conc. in serum. Free passage of these compounds and varying ratios oi distribution suggest that measurements of concs. in plasma or in serum would he more informative than in whole blood. These observations also exclude the use of any of these substances for measurements of body fluids.