Growth and Characterization of Liquid-Phase Epitaxial InAs1−xPx

Liquid‐phase epitaxial layers of InAs1−xPx were grown in the range of 0 < x < 0. 735 on {1̄1̄1̄} InP substrates. The ternary phase diagram was calculated using Darken's quadratic formalism to describe the ternary liquid which is in equilibrium with a regular pseudobinary solid solution. A number of liquidus isotherms were experimentally determined and found to be in good agreement with the calculated phase diagram. The composition of the grown layers was determined by lattice‐constant measurements assuming that Vegard's law was obeyed. The band gap was determined by photoluminescence at 77 and 300 °K, and was fitted to the form of Eg = A + Bx + Cx2, where A = 0. 421, B = 0.714, and C = 0. 281 eV at 77 °K. The specimens were n type as determined by Van der Pauw measurements.

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