Immunogenetic heterogeneity in Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes among Japanese ? HLA antigens and organ-specific autoantibodies

HLA phenotypes and haplotypes in relation to organ-specific autoantibody responses were studied in 82 Japanese patients with Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes. HLA-DRw9 antigen and HLA phenotype of DRw9/X (X: not DR4) were increased in patients with organ-specific autoantibodies other than islet cell antibody (CPpppp<0.001, RR=5.52). The relative risk of HLA-DR4/DRw9 was the highest among all HLA-DR phenotypes or genotypes in patients either with or without the autoantibodies. No association was, however, found between the incidence of islet cell antibody and HLA-DR phenotypes. These findings suggest that Type 1 diabetes among Japanese is immunogenetically heterogeneous as is Type 1 diabetes among Caucasians; and the differences in HLA-association of Type 1 diabetes among ethnic groups might give a clue to understanding of a role of HLA-antigens in the development of Type 1 diabetes.