Cerebral resuscitation potentials for cardiac arrest

Permanent brain damage after cardiac arrest and resuscitation is determined by many factors, predominantly arrest (no-flow) time, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (low-flow) time, and temperature. Research since around 1970 into cardiopulmonary-cerebral resuscitation has attempted to mitigate the postischemic-anoxic encephalopathy. These efforts’ results have recently shown outcome benefits as documented in clinically relevant outcome models in dogs and in clinical trials. Pharmacologic strategies have so far yielded relatively disappointing results. In a recent exploration of 14 drugs in dogs, only the antioxidant tempol administered at the start of prolonged cardiac arrest improved functional outcome in dogs. Cerebral blood flow promotion by hypertensive reperfusion and hemodilution has resulted in improved outcome in dogs, and brief hypertension after restoration of spontaneous circulation is associated with improved outcome in patients. Postarrest hypercoagulability of blood seems to yield to therapeutic thrombolysis, which is associated with improved cerebral outcome in animals and patients. In a clinically relevant dog outcome model, mild postarrest cerebral hypothermia (34°C), initiated with reperfusion and continued for 12 hrs, combined with cerebral blood-flow promotion increased from 5 to >10 mins the previously longest normothermic no-flow time that could be reversed to complete cerebral recovery. Mild hypothermia by surface cooling after prolonged cardiac arrest in patients has been found effective in recent clinical studies in Australia and Europe. Preliminary data on the recent randomized study in Europe have been reported. For presently unresuscitable cardiac arrests, research since the 1980s in dog outcome models of prolonged exsanguination cardiac arrest has culminated in brain and organism preservation during cardiac arrest (no-flow) durations of up to 90 mins, perhaps 120 mins, at a tympanic temperature of 10°C and complete recovery of function and normal histology. This “suspended animation for delayed resuscitation” strategy includes use of an aortic flush of cold saline (or preservation solution) within the first 5 mins of no flow. This strategy should also be explored for the larger number of patients with unresuscitable out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. Suspended animation for prolonged preservation of viability could buy time for transport and repair during hypothermic no flow followed by resuscitation, or it could serve as a bridge to prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass.