We present an analytical method for treating the tunneling current between a tip and a sample in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) that goes beyond the independent-electrode (Bardeen) approximation and is valid for smaller tip-to-surface separations. The extremity of the tip is represented by a single spherical potential well. This well is strongly coupled to neighboring tip atoms, as well as the sample electrode, both of which we leave in a general form. The wave function for the entire system is obtained by a matching procedure, from which the total current is determined. If the current is associated with s-derived tip orbitals, the result is comparable in simplicity with that of J. Tersoff and D. Hamann [Phys. Rev. B 31, 805 (1985)]. The low-bias tunnel conductance is proportional to the local density of states (LDOS) of the surface, but renormalized to include multiple reflections to all orders: σ∝ρs(r0,EF)/D, where D depends on both the tip and sample electronic structures and on the tip position r0. This effect includes the modification of the surface LDOS due to the presence of the tip. A compact expression is also obtained for orbitals of higher angular momenta: p and d states. The current then depends on the gradients of the surface spectral density, and not on the LDOS, and also has a characteristic denominator. We discuss the significance of this effect, both in the interpretation of STM images and related spectroscopies.