Novel Ridge-Type InGaN Multiple-Quantum-Well Laser Diodes Fabricated by Selective Area Re-Growth on n-GaN Substrates

A novel ridge structure fabricated by selective-area epitaxial re-growth is proposed for InGaN multiple-quantum-well (MQW) laser diodes (LDs). This technique is capable of precisely controlling the active ridge width and height, thus enabling stable single tran sverse-mode operation. Together with a backside n-contact on a low-dislocation-density GaN substrate, this structure provides high productivity and performance for GaN-based blue-violet LDs. A stable fundamental transverse mode up to 40 mW was demonstrated for the certain range of ridge dimensions. The minimum aspect ratio of the far-field patterns (FFPs) was about 2.1 in the fabricated ridge-type InGaN MQW LDs.