77 GHz Automotive Radar Receiver Front-end in SiGe:C BiCMOS Technology

This paper reports the design and implementation of a 77 GHz low noise amplifier (LNA) and a down-conversion mixer for automotive radar application. The single-ended three-stage LNA adopts cascode topology. The measurement shows 20.9 dB gain from 66 to 78 GHz with 1 dB ripple consuming 90 mW at 3.5 V. 3 dB bandwidth is covered between 64 and 79 GHz. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first reported single-ended cascode 77 GHz LNA in SiGe technology. The mixer adopts an improved micromixer topology and shows 13.4 dB gain and 18.4 dB NF in the measurement. The micromixer operates at the highest frequency compared to the other reported micromixers

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