Measurement of the T2 relaxation time of ethanol and cerebral metabolites, in vivo

The SPACE volume selection technique was combined with a spin‐echo sequence to measure the transverse relaxation time of the resonances of ethanol and cerebral metabolites in the dog brain, in vivo. The method was extended to measure brain metabolite T2, values in the rat using 1H NMR microspectroscopy. The T2 decays for the resonances of the metabolites N‐acetylaspartate, creatine/phosphocreatine, and choline/phosphorylcholine were found to be biexponential with long T2 components of 490, 260, and 350 ms for the dog and 490, 220, and 355 ms for the rat brain, respectively. The existence of a second T2 component may originate from J‐coupled nonresolved metabolite resonances. The relaxation decay for the ethanol triplet could be fitted to a single exponential giving a T2 relaxation time of 335 ms. However, given the large errors in the measurement of ethanol peak intensities at short echo times because of overlapping lipid signal and the effects of J‐modulation, a biexponential decay with a long T2 component of 335 ms cannot be ruled out. Ambiguities regarding the reported partial detection of the 1H NMR signal of ethanol in the brain are discussed. © 1992 Academic Press, Inc.