Decrease in reactivity of basophils by immunotherapy with housedust extract

Summary: Changes of basophil reactivity to housedust extract and anti‐IgE during immunotherapy was examined in thirteen patients with bronchial asthma sensitive to housedust. (i) A significant decrease in the morphological reactivity of basophils to housedust extract was observed 6 months after the beginning of immunotherapy with the antigen, and a significant decrease after 12 and 18 months’ therapy, accompanied with the decrease of histamine release from the cells. The percent reactive basophils to the antigen decreased from 59.2 ± 2.9% before the therapy to 40.0 ± 1.8% after 18 months’immunotherapy. (ii) A decrease in the morphological reactivity of basophils to anti‐IgE was also shown during immunotherapy. The basophil reactivity to anti‐IgE decreased significantly at the late stage (18 months) of immunotherapy. (iii) A significant reduction of specific IgE antibody to housedust was observed 12 and 18 months after the beginning of immunotherapy. It was suggested from these results that immunotherapy causes some changes on the surface of basophils and decreased reactivity of the cells, and that a decrease of reactive basophils to anti‐IgE in the process of immunotherapy might be due to a decrease in number of IgE receptors essentially or functionally.