The essential factor for streptolysin S production by Streptococcus pyogenes.

Neither the supernatant nor the precipitate fraction obtained from sonicated streptococci produced streptolysin S, but the combination of both fractions restored the ability to produce streptolysin S. Streptolysin S production by the precipitate required heat-stale and low-molecular substance(s) in the supernatant in addition to maltose and carrier(s) such as ribonuclease resistant yeast ribonucleic acid. The heat-stable factor could be replaced by brain heart infusion (BHI) broth. Moreover, proteose peptone involved in BHI and protease digests of proteins such as bovine serum albumin (BSA) and casein showed stimulative effects on streptolysin S production, but BSA, casein, casamino acids and an amino acid mixture did not. Some peptides having molecular weights of several thousands were required for streptolysin S production by the precipitate. These peptides could not be replaced by carriers and maltose for hemolysin production by the precipitate. Thus, three inducer factors, carrier, maltose and peptides, were required for streptolysin S formation. Peptides and maltose were essential for streptolysin S production in the cells, but not for release of the hemolysin from the cells into the medium, which required the carrier.