Findings are reported on the weights of the adrenal glands and the structure of the adrenal cortex in intact nonpregnant, intact pregnant and in hypophysectomized nonpregnant rhesus monkeys, and in monkeys which were hypophysectomized during pregnancy. About half of the monkeys hypophysectomized during pregnancy went to term, the others aborted after various periods. The state of pregnancy was found to prevent the decrease in adrenal weights which characteristically follows hypophysectomy. The adrenal cortex of the hypophysectomized monkeys which went to term was of normal thickness but the fascicular zone did not have a normal lipoid content. The monkeys which aborted after hypophysectomy had adrenal glands of normal weight at the time of abortion. These glands decreased in weight following abortion and the cortex became atrophic. The adrenal glands of the hypophysectomized monkeys which went to term and which were autopsied after extended periods, following parturition also were decreased in weight and the cortex was atrophic. Results show that in rhesus monkeys there is some source of adrenocorticotrophic hormone during pregnancy other than the maternal hypophysis. The source of this hormone is probably the placenta. The thyroid glands were not maintained in the hypophysectomized monkeys by the pregnant state.