Treatment of malignant testicular tumors in childhood: Results of the german national study 1982–1992

The German Cooperative Protocol for treatment of testicular germ cell tumors in childhood registered 106 patients from January 1982 through February 1992. Sixty-one patients suffered from yolk sac tumors (YST); 25 patients from differentiated teratomas (TD); 19 patients from malignant teratomas of either intermediate (MTI), undifferentiated (MTU), or trophoblastic type (MTT), and 1 patient from a seminoma. A stratified chemotherapy based on stage and histology was administered in addition to unilateral orchiectomy: Standard chemotherapy consisted of four treatments with vinblastine, bleomycin, and cisplatinum. If viable tumor was suspected after two treatments with standard chemotherapy, a delayed explorative laparotomy was done. There were two options based on the histological findings: In case of complete tumor regression, the standard chemotherapy was continued. In case of incomplete tumor response, patients a salvage chemotherapy consisting of three treatments with VP 16 (etoposide), ifosfamide, and cisplatinum. In addition three injections with VP 16 were given as a maintenance therapy. The following results were obtained: YST: 59 patients with stage I. Forty-nine patients were followed according to “wait and see” policy. Eight of these needed a delayed standard chemotherapy. The relapse free survival of all 61 patients in 100%. Median observation time is 49 months. TD: Twenty-five patients had stage I. No chemotherapy was given. The relapse free survival is 100%. Median observation time is 48 months. Malignant teratomas (MTI, MTU, MTT): 8 patients had stage I. Three of these adjuvant chemotherapy and 5 lymphadenectomy without chemotherapy. All patients survived without relapse. Nine patients had stage II and standard chemotherapy. Four of these patients had a delayed explorative laparotomy leading to a salvage therapy in two patients. All patients survived relapse free. Two patients had stage III. Of these 1 standard chemotherapy and is well. One patient suffering from MTU stage IIIA died due to candida septicemia during salvage therapy. Median observation time of the entire group is 60 months.