In mice, an experimental autoimmune diabetes can be induced by multiple injections with low doses of streptozotocin. Since different mouse strains show a varying susceptibility towards this treatment, we have examined whether the experimental autoimmune diabetes is under the genetic control of the major histocompatibility complex (H-2 complex). Mice of five congenic resistant strains, differing in their genome only at the H-2 region, were identically treated on five consecutive days with 40 mg streptozotocin/kg body weight. Genes at the H-2 complex were found to determine the susceptibility towards the diabetogenic effect of streptozotocin: mice of H-2 haplotype k (B10.BR) developed persistent and strong hyperglycaemia (blood glucose approximately 17 mmol/1), mice of strain B10.A (H-2a), C57BL/10 (H-2b) and B10.D2 (H-2d) reacted with moderate hyperglycaemia (between 11.5 and 15.5 mmol/1), whereas mice of strain B10.S (H-2s) were resistant to the diabetogenic effect of low-dose streptozotocin except for a small and transient rise of blood glucose levels. It is concluded that genes within the major histocompatibility complex affect the diabetogenic response to multiple low-dose streptozotocin treatment.