Pseudopotential theoretical study of the alkali metals under arbitrary pressure: Density, bulk modulus, and shear moduli

Milstein and Hill previously derived formulas for computing the bulk and shear moduli, κ, μ, and μ’, at arbitrary pressures, for cubic crystals in which interatomic interaction energies are modeled by pairwise functions, and they carried out the moduli computations using the complete family of Morse functions. The present study extends their work to a pseudopotential description of atomic binding. Specifically: (1) General formulas are derived for determining these moduli under hydrostatic loading within the framework of a pseudopotential model. (2) A two-parameter pseudopotential model is used to describe atomic binding of the alkali metals, and the two parameters are determined from experimental data (the model employs the Heine-Abarenkov potential with the Taylor dielectric function). (3) For each alkali metal (Li, Na, K, Rb, and Cs), the model is used to compute the pressure-versus-volume behavior and, at zero pressure, the binding energy, the density, and the elastic moduli and their pressure derivatives; the theoretical behavior is found to be in excellent agreement with experiment. (4) Calculations are made of κ, μ, and μ’ of the bcc alkali metals over wide ranges of hydrostatic compression and expansion. (5) The pseudopotential results are compared with those of arbitrarycentral-force models (wherein κ-(2/3)μ=μ’+2P) and with the specific Morse-function results. The pressures, bulk moduli, and zero-pressure shear moduli (as determined for the Morse and pseudopotential models) are in excellent agreement, but important differences appear in the shear moduli under high compressions. The computations in the present paper are for the bcc metals; a subsequent paper will extend this work to include both the bcc and fcc structures, at compressions and expansions where elastic stability or lattice cohesion is, in practice, lost.